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In-Person and Virtual Townhall

We are officially in the summer months in Edmonton! As we head into the warmer months, please join me for a conversation on June 17th regarding City Building. 

In-Person / Virtual Townhall June 17th 

Please join me for an in-person / virtual townhall meeting on Monday June 17th from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at the Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre: Multi-purpose Room #4. Details on how to join virtually are below. You are not required to RSVP ahead of time. 

At the townhall meeting we will focus heavily on City Building and What Cities Do. Here are the topics I hope to cover: 

  • Zoning / District Plans 
  • Surplus School Sites 
  • Transportation Update 
  • Recreation Centres 
  • Update on roads within the ward and the City 
  • Waste Management 
  • EPCOR 

I understand that you may have additional topics that are not included in the above list. If there is something specific you would like me to address at the townhall, please send an email to [email protected]. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions during the townhall on June 17th. 

Please note, I will do my very best to address all the questions asked. However, if you still have a question following the conversation, please complete the question form provide at the entrance of Multi-purpose Room #4. Alternatively, you can always email me at [email protected].  

I strongly encourage you and your neighbours to come join in on the conversation! Here are the details on how to participate: 

Details on how to join virtually can be found on the Facebook Event Page:

Or on June 17th, Click below to join the Zoom Meeting:

Other Important Updates 

I have recently shared some blogs on my website regarding some other topics that may be an interest to you. Please see the links below that provides some further updates on some matters: 

  • When Will Enough be Enough at Blatchford?: In May, I moved a motion to further look at scope changes for Blatchford. This continues to be a topic at Council and I will keep pressing until we see a change. My motion comes back to Council on June 11/12th. 
  • Are Our Social Service Agencies Actually Making a Difference?: In this blog post, I discuss the challenges we face with our social services agencies. The conversation continues on June 17th at Community and Public Services Committee when we discuss the City of Edmonton’s Corporate Homelessness Plan. 
  • Political Parties at Municipal Levels: I continue to receive emails requesting for my posting on this matter. Please read my blog for April which further outlines my position on this topic. 

As always, please feel free to contact me at 780-496-8130 or at [email protected] with any of your city related concerns. 

In the meantime, GO OILERS! I look forward to seeing you on Monday June 17th for the townhall!

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