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CSU Settlement

I was pleased to see that members of CSU 52 voted to accept and ratify the agreement reached with the City of Edmonton. They keep our city running, they deliver services Edmontonians rely on daily and I’m pleased to know a majority believe this is a fair and reasonable deal. 

I want to acknowledge that it is unusual for a Councillor to take a public position such as my statement on March 11. I did not make this decision lightly. 

I was aware that the two negotiating tables were not far apart, but that communications had ceased. It was my goal to nudge those parties to try one more time to speak to each other. I have seen this dynamic before on capital projects I have managed, and it often takes an external third party to remind those in conflict of the greater goals involved, to take the emotion out of the discussion and find the common ground necessary to get to agreement.

My March 11 statement was a call to City Administration to negotiate - not capitulate, but negotiate. I signed the joint statement from City Council on March 21 to signal to union representation that the city did not have an open chequebook. Any settlement was going to have consequences for Edmonton’s budget and Council’s property tax conversations.

Both sides seemed to need these public reminders that our community expected them to figure it out.

I want to commend both the CSU 52 and City leadership for their leadership in reaching an agreement and avoiding a work stoppage that would have had nothing but negative repercussions. There is no doubt this was a difficult negotiation, and both sides made concessions along the way. Avoiding a strike and getting back to the bargaining table was in the best interests of everyone. It is the fiscally prudent thing to do. 

The various unions that represent City workers are our partners. It is with cooperation and collaboration that we can shape City Administration to take on the challenges we face moving forward. This agreement can be the strong foundation we can build on to rebuild our relationship, which is in dire need of repair. My goal is to continue to get the relationships between our union partners and City Administration back on track.

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