Thanksgiving for me has always been one part reflection and one part preparation.  


It often marks that point in the year to take stock, to give thanks for the positives in the year nearly done. And some years, it's the final reminder that the end of the year looms, and it's time to bear down and make something of it.  


Thanksgiving is often one of the last days of beautiful fall weather we can enjoy.  A few leaves remain, but the trees are mostly grey, the sky darker, the days shorter.  It’s that in-between time between the beautiful colours of early autumn and the first snowfall that covers the City in a clean white blanket.


And this year, Thanksgiving will also mark the last day of rest before the six-day sprint to the end of this election - an election that feels like it started years ago.  I think we all look forward to getting past all the politics and campaigning, and we will all be extremely thankful when it's behind us.  


I am profoundly thankful for all the volunteers who have supported my Re-Election Campaign.  It is truly humbling to see so many come forward with words of support and encouragement.  These last couple of years have been difficult, and there has not always been a lot to guide our decisions.  I truly appreciate the compassion so many have expressed.


But more than anything, I am profoundly thankful for my wife and children, for the love and support they have given me every single day.  I am so extremely fortunate to have these wonderful people in my life.


From my family to yours, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.   


Tim Cartmell

Timothy Cartmell


Honoured to be the City Councillor in Edmonton's Ward pihêsiwin. #yegcc #Wardpihêsiwin